How To Make The Perfect Snowball

A Vintage Nerd, Vintage Blog, 1940s Winter in New York, Vintage Lifestyle Blog

Today it snowed enough that the kiddies were able to play a bit in our backyard. My youngest took out a toy that we recently purchased on a trip to a old fashioned mom and pop candy store. I will be sharing with you all more about this neat little shop but for now I would like to share with you a toy that makes the perfect snowballs.

Since it was purchased in this retro shop I figured it was an old fashioned toy. My research online has led me to believe that it is indeed a vintage styled toy but unfortunately I have not been able to find out the year it was made. If any of you know, could you share it with me? Thanks!

Each of my children were given a bucket and shovel but it was the snowball maker that stole the show. I cannot tell you how neat this toy is. It is so easy to use. You just scoop up the snow by opening the toy like a set of tongs. Once the snow is inside it forms a perfect round snowball.

I think this will be our go-to toy for this winter and we may even have to grab two more for our kiddies.

A Vintage Nerd, Vintage Blog, 1940s Winter in New York, Vintage Lifestyle Blog, Bob Howards General Store
A Vintage Nerd, Vintage Blog, 1940s Winter in New York, Vintage Lifestyle Blog, Bob Howards General Store

A Vintage Nerd, Vintage Blog, 1940s Winter in New York, Vintage Lifestyle Blog, Bob Howards General Store
A Vintage Nerd, Vintage Blog, 1940s Winter in New York, Vintage Lifestyle Blog, Bob Howards General Store
A Vintage Nerd, Vintage Blog, 1940s Winter in New York, Vintage Lifestyle Blog, Bob Howards General Store
A Vintage Nerd, Vintage Blog, 1940s Winter in New York, Vintage Lifestyle Blog, Bob Howards General Store
A Vintage Nerd, Vintage Blog, 1940s Winter in New York, Vintage Lifestyle Blog, Bob Howards General Store

After a little snow fight my children decided to make their first little snow people. I didn't have anything set up for this so my husband and I got creative. He grabbed some little sticks from the yard and I grabbed some things from our miscellaneous drawer in the kitchen and some left over candy canes and a masterpiece was created!

If you would like to purchase your own snowball maker, you can find it HERE 

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  1. Haha, I love their snow people! They're so cute!

  2. Those snow people! I could never make the traditional round ones, so maybe I'll find a bucket and give something like this a try. Too fun.

    1. LOL right? We got creative that day hehe Thank for the comment hun. xox

  3. Oh wow! We haven't had any snow in London yet, but when we do I'll be hunting down one of those!!

    1. No snow yet? I hope it won't be snow free like last winter heheh Thanks for stopping by Charlotte! xox


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