Classic Cinema Spotlight: I Knew Her Well (1965)

A Vintage Nerd, Old Hollywood Movies, Classic Film Review, I Knew Her Well (1965), Stefania Sandrelli, Classic Movie Blog

I Knew Her Well (1965), is a film by Italian director Antonio Pietrangeli starring Stefania Sandrelli. It starts out with a scene on a beach with upbeat contemporary music playing. In just those few moments of watching the film you might think this is going to be a romantic comedy or romantic adventure but it actually ends up being an unexpected tale of misguided dreams and the parts of ourselves we may lose along the way.

The first time I saw this film I went into it knowing nothing about it. I had no expectations or preconceived notions and I am so grateful that I watched it this way. For this same reason I will not completely dissect this film for you but I will give you a small glimpse into what I think makes this film unforgettable. The film is described as a Italian comedy-drama. Ironically I didn't laugh once while watching this film. I Knew Her Well (1965) isn't easily understood by most nor have I read many reviews that really seemed to get the gist of what it was about. It is usually described as movie about a beautiful girl named Adriana Astarelli (Stefania Sandrelli) who leaves her small town and moves to Rome because she wants to be a celebrity. It just so happens that when you peel back those layers there is so much more going on that makes this film a unique cautionary tale. 

The movie begins with the camera panning to Adriana's feet while lying on the beach on a hot summer day and then slowly moves up to see her sunbathing topless. Immediately you know that the main focus of the film will be Adriana. The viewer follows Adriana as she attempts to create a life for herself although you quickly realize everything in her life is based on how she looks. It is Adriana's journey that becomes captivating. 

As each part of her story unfolds in her quest for fame you see how her family, her employers, her boyfriend, her co-workers, her lovers, etc treat her. How easily she is left behind or discarded.  Oddly Adriana never seems too upset, too angry, or too disappointed. She is though. Because Adriana is the perfect example of judging a book by its cover.  She seems to be shallow and not too bright and that because she is so pretty she can't possibly have anything important to say or to feel. Adriana is the type of person that just goes through life taking their pains and stuffing them somewhere they don't have to look at. They avoid the harsh truths-that they have been neglected, undervalued, ignored, diminished, belittled, judged, used, disrespected, and treated as object rather than a person.

When I embarked on watching this film I had no idea that it would leave me deeply haunted. When I got to end of the film I had to ask myself whether I just focused on Adriana's beauty too much just like everyone who knew her did. Did I miss something while watching her story unfold? And in thinking back did I judge her the same way everyone else in the did? The ending of the film made me realize why the title of the film is called I Knew Her Well. It's because no one took the time to know Adriana at all. Not one person asks her how she is feeling or tries to really befriend her or show her true kindness. It is those good things that if we are not given or shown throughout our lives-can slowly erode us. 

I Knew Her Well (1965) is one of those films that it a whole lot more than what you see. It gives a glimpse of a life seeking fulfillment (albeit seemingly shallow to some) only to be used and thrown away over and over again. What becomes of a person who no one deems valuable enough to be truly loved or cared for because perhaps the person never truly loved or cared for themselves? Perhaps they never had an understanding of love and care because they never experienced it even from the people who should have. The story of Adriana is a reminder that we never really know what someone is going through or feeling unless we take the time to care and listen. And how sometimes taking that time to care and listen can actually make all the difference to someone's life. 

A Vintage Nerd, Old Hollywood Movies, Classic Film Review, I Knew Her Well (1965), Stefania Sandrelli, Classic Movie Blog
A Vintage Nerd, Old Hollywood Movies, Classic Film Review, I Knew Her Well (1965), Stefania Sandrelli, Classic Movie Blog
A Vintage Nerd, Old Hollywood Movies, Classic Film Review, I Knew Her Well (1965), Stefania Sandrelli, Classic Movie BlogA Vintage Nerd, Old Hollywood Movies, Classic Film Review, I Knew Her Well (1965), Stefania Sandrelli, Classic Movie Blog

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  1. This is a very intriguing review and those pictures excellently support your post... will definitely have to check it out too, as I do like a movie that stays with you as the credits roll. Thanks for joining Daffney, and hope your 2025 is going wellx

    1. Thank you so much Gill! I hope you can watch it one day! xox

  2. Haven’t seen this but this Pietrangeli has come up a few times in this event plus I’ve recently had other movies of his recommended to me so I’m thinking the universe is telling me to watch. This goal of being famous, and then being drained by that life, is more relevant today than ever. Thanks for joining us, enjoyed reading this.

    1. Oh I do hope you're able to see it one day! Thank you hosting! This was so much fun! xox

  3. Excellent insight into that ironic film title! What is the grasping for fame but a subconscious yearning to be seen and matter in other people's lives, but when you attain it the hole is still there? Those screenshots beautifully sum it all up.

    1. Awww thank you so much Brian!! I really appreciate the comment! xox

  4. This sounds haunting and unforgettable. Thanks for sharing your review – I would never have heard of this film otherwise.

    1. Oh it really is. I hope you get to watch it one day! Thank you for stopping by! xox


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