6 Tips and Tricks To Blogging When You Are A Busy Gal


I often get asked how I managed to blog let alone everyday with everything else I have to do. My situation in life at the moment is unique to me because I don't know anyone else who quite has the particular challenges I have.

Since my husband works the entire week it leaves me alone a great deal with the children.I also have my disability to contend with on a day to day basis that gives me extreme fatigue. Tie that in with three children, a cat, and a house to clean-well you can imagine how I wish I had more help. But being what it is doesn't mean I can't do more for myself and blogging gives me just that.

I think a huge part of making time to blog is in WANTING to blog-to be creative, to connect, to write. All the things I love. So, like anything else you make time for the things you love to do.

I have learned a few things that have helped me TREMENDOUSLY in cutting time and freeing myself more to tend to the things that are always number one in priority and that is my sanity family.


  • Some bloggers use calendars on their walls, some use organizers, and some use a simple notebook with lines on them and they write down what their posts will be for a the month. I usually write mine down every weekend and I have an idea of what I will write about. Especially with doing this 365 day blog challenge, it has been quite helpful having my list ready with my blog topics.

  • If you know what your topics will be for a week or a month in advance, write down the titles of them in your draft section of your blog and save it. That way you can go back to it and work on the posts by adding the photos first and then adding the content little by little. Before you  know it you will have 3-4 posts done fairly quickly.

  • You can do a bunch of outfit posts in one day by changing up the scenery or your hair a bit. That way you will have plenty of outfit posts to work with for the next month or two. 

  • Take one or two days a week to take photos of items like your gloves, scarves, or your books. Take loads of them because then you have these photos ready to use when you begin writing your posts.

  • Use Hootsuite. You can schedule your Twitter posts a whole month in advance and save a slew of time by doing so. They offer free usage but you can also upgrade. And they also offer a number of social media outlets, not just Twitter.

  • You can pre-post your posts on your Facebook Fan Page if you have one for your blog. You can choose the day and time and it is all done.

What tips and tricks do you have for a busy blogger? Have you tried any of these tips before? I really hope I helped!

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  1. Fantastic, practical and very handy tips, dear Daffny. A blogging schedule and writing several of my posts each month in advance of the day they go live is a true must for my blogging workflow as well. Though I have gotten a bit more "on the fly" with writing, especially since opening my shop, by and large I feel like I need the sense of security and peace of mind that planning and writing in advance offers, especially because I never know from one day (sometimes even from one hour) to the next where my health is going to be at and all it takes is a flare-up for a week or two to throw things right off track if I'm not always at least partially prepared in advance. This is ringing even more true now that I have an Etsy shop and the work involved with it keeping me busy on top of my usual full time blogging adventures. A blogging schedule, a (huge!) list of posts that I might like to write about one day, and a few posts (and if applicable, their respective photos) written in advance and I'm good to go! :) I find I do the bulk of my post writing at night, as I'm usually up from painsomnia anyhow, and the house is usually nice and quiet, so it just makes sense to utilize those hours for blogging. The ol' lemons into lemonade at work there! :)

    ♥ Jessica

  2. I wondered how you did it with 3 kids running around! I have a 2 year old and he won't let me do anything so it's hard for me to blog or have the energy to blog as much as I would really like! Great tips, I think they are very helpful!



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