The Night of the Meek aired on December 23, 1960 and was episode eleven of season two of The Twilight Zone. It stars the iconic comedic actor, Art Carney as Henry Corwin who works as a department store Santa. Henry drinks heavily and is fired by his job by his manager played by the character actor, John Fiedler. Henry shares that the reason he drinks so much is because he lives in a boarding house with people who are poor and is frustrated that he cannot make their wishes comes true. It breaks his heart that he cannot do more for others and hides his pain in the bottom of a bottle.
Henry declares that if he had just one wish granted him on Christmas Eve, he'd "like to see the meek inherit the earth." After stumbling around in an alley he finds a large burlap bag with toys and decides to take it and distribute the gifts. Of course the police are called and is promptly arrested by an Officer Flaherty. At the station his magical bag shows to hold only cans but when Mr. Dundee (Fiedler) asks for proof Henry gifts him a vintage bottle of cherry brandy. Henry's former boss believes him and Officer Flaherty lets him go to continue to distribute the gifts to everyone he can.
When Henry brings back the bag one of the men he gifted asks him if he received a gift himself. Henry declares that if he could receive anything it would be to have the chance to give to people every year. A elf shows up and Henry realizes that his wish has come true and he becomes the true Santa Claus.
Carney's interpretation as a down on his luck wannabe Santa is nothing short of moving, magical, and inspirational. Carney's vulnerable performance as a man who suffers great pain witnessing the pain of others and only wishes he could relieve their suffering by giving them a gift is exactly what the spirit of Christmas is all about. Carney as Santa reminds all of us of what the true meaning of Christmas is all about.
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